Monday, March 11, 2013

Beautiful People

Original post from 2009. 

Today, one of my lesser perverted guy friends asked me who the prettiest girl I know is. Of course, a lot of names floated through my head, but I landed upon one individual that really is one of the prettiest people I have ever known, both physically and spiritually. This conversation in turn, led me to reminisce about said person and how close we used to be. A seemingly dumb question posed in a perverted context that somehow gave light to something deeper. I know, right?

I've known a lot of pretty girls in this short lifetime because honestly, Sephora can do a lot for a girl. On that very topic, so can big sunglasses and strategic tools of the female trade (no, not that trade) like push-up bras and low-cut tops. But it's rare to find a girl that lights up a room with her personality. Rare to find a girl that makes you laugh so hard, you're gasping for air. Rare to find a girl that is just as smart and witty as she is pretty, if not more. Rare to find a girl that just doesn't let life faze her. Rare to find that kind of friend to get lost in this crazy, mixed up world with.

After this very lesbianic reminisce fest, my perverted guy friend asked where said girl is now and of course, if he could "hit that." Too many things wrong with that very comment to begin addressing. Alas, another disgusting comment that triggered some interesting thoughts. I came to think about the many people that come and go in your life. Isn't it sad how you can lose touch with some people that meant so much to you just one year ago? How can human relations be so fleeting? Again, I've reached a major theme in my life: the inexplicable mystery that is friendship. To meet all these interesting, beautiful people and have them leave your life. I was once told that it's not that bad things happen to me, but that "bad people" happen to me. And yet, with this constant trend of fleeting friendships, I can't help but wonder if it's not the people that come and go in my life, but me that constantly turns my back on people.

So, yes, I have known many beautiful people. And I open up to the possibility of another myriad of colorful individuals that will come, go or even stay in this lifetime.


art nasa said...

Could I hit that? Interesting post... there was a study that the average person cycles through friends every 7 years. Changes in interests tends to be the underlying cause.

bex said...

Beautiful people come and go. No point in trying to hang onto any one.

thefattyreader said...

ha. lesbianic. nice use of the word. I like this post very much.