Sunday, August 24, 2014

Fairytale Fallacy

Original post from 2009. 

If your "happily ever after" really is right now, then does that mean you're accepting this moment as the peak of your lifetime? Why would anyone willingly accept that this is as good as it could ever get? Whatever happened to embracing the future and all that it holds?

My life right now is definitely not the life I hope to have in a few years. Sure, life is pretty good right now, but as much as change makes me antsy, it's completely necessary. I, for one, do not wish to feel the same way "forever." Where are girls getting this crazy notion of "happily ever after?" Only Disney princesses live happily ever after and last I checked, they weren't real.

1 comment:

thefattyreader said...

I like this & I totally agree.